
Sorbet is a frozen dessert that can consist of fruit juice, sugar or flavored water. Sorbets do not include added fat, although they may include small amounts of fat if it a fatty ingredient is included as a flavoring ingredient such as nuts or seeds. Sorbet recipes are vegan by default so they do not need to be altered to be dairy-free.
4 results - showing 1 - 4  
MattieMattie   3
{loadposition share}This Strawberry Sorbet recipe is simple to make because it features just strawberries, sugar and just the right amount of lemon juice. Try it with some balsamic vinegar drizzled over it. Sorbet will never be the same again.
MattieMattie   3
{loadposition share}This Raspberry Sorbet recipe is simple to make because it features just raspberries, sugar and just the right amount of lemon juice. Try it with some balsamic vinegar drizzled over it. Sorbet will never be the same again.
MattieMattie   2

{loadposition share}This Orange Sorbet recipe is simple to make because it features just orange juice, sugar and just the right amount of lemon zest. Because it's so much better than frozen orange juice.

MattieMattie   2
{loadposition share}This Fresh Lemon Sorbet recipe is simple to make because it features just lemon juice, sugar and just the right amount of lemon zest. It really hits the spot on a hot summer night.

4 results - showing 1 - 4