Hearth Breads

Vegan Hearth Breads are hearty, rustic, free form breads that are baked in the hearth or floor of the oven. These types of breads utilize mostly simple ingredients in their recipes such as flour, water, yeast and salt which usually allows them to be vegan by default. Hearth breads usually showcase the art of extracting as much flavor from these simple ingredients as possible by utilizing advanced yeast leavening techniques and higher baking temperatures. Hearth breads are known as the opposite of enriched breads which usually rely on other food additives such as sugars and fats to build flavor.
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Each rise can take between eight and twenty hours and put in the fridge at any stage, to be baked within two weeks. I like to make each rise around twelve hours. It can also be sped up a little, to make the total time as little as 16 hours by doubling the amount of yeast and combining the first and second rise together.

4 results - showing 1 - 4