Vegan Baking Recipes
Vegan Bread Recipes
Vegan Enriched Bread Recipes
Vegan Yeasted Enriched Bread Recipes
Yeasted Enriched Breads

An enriched bread is any bread that has ingredients other than flour, water, leavening agents and salt added. Other ingredient additions are referred to as enriching the dough and can include eggs, sweeteners, fats and other flavorings. Yeasted enriched bread recipes are simply the family of enriched breads utilizing yeast as the leavening agent. Vegan yeasted enriched bread recipes simply don't include animal-based enriching ingredients such as eggs or butter.
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This bread was difficult to design due to the nature of the wheat berry. This hardy seed contains the germ which is the heart and soul of the seed. The germ is the embryo of the plant in its dormant state. It's accompanied by the starchy endosperm which acts as fuel for the germ when it sprouts or germinates. This package is encased in a firm fibrous shell called the bran. This protects the seed kind of like an egg shell protects an egg.

Initially I was intrigued by the flavor of rye breads but intimidated by baking them. How was I supposed to bake flavorful, crusty loafs with most of the leavening-enhancing gluten out of the picture? A little research found that although rye flour contains about the same amount of protein than regular flour, most of this protein isn't from glutenin and gliadin, the two protein compounds that unravel and combine to create gluten when water is added and the mixture is kneaded. What rye flour does contain though are natural gums called pentosans which absorb about 16 times their weight in water. This is the puzzle piece of how these breads are crafted.

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