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Hello! I would love to find a vegan recipe for French Macaroons. All I can find are the coconut variety but a French Macaroon is completely different. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!

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Responses (6)
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MattieOffline -
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ransom.cakesOffline -
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Faithrules99Offline -
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dancingisforbiddenOfflinesupposedly hannah at bittersweet and vegan dad have created vegan macarons. unfortunately, neither has all of the earmarks of a macaron. vegan dad didn't have much time, and his look pretty good but have no discernible feet, but he shared his recipe. it definitely has promise
hannah's look a little closer, but kinda mushroomy. and she refuses to share her recipe until she can sell it in a pdf cookbook. i refrain from comment.
here's the recipe from which i have been working:
her's are the first or second try, so they're a little off the mark. i have been working on this for 2 months now, and have had limited success. the best i've gotten looks like a macaron, medium sized feet, smooth shell, good taste. however, they end up somewhat hollow, which i attribute to the versawhip and xanthan. i am 80-90% there, though some batches are more like 50%. versawhip's manufacturers should be contacting me shortly, hopefully with an applications technician ready to troubleshoot.
soon. -
Accepted Answer
jayarrOfflineMade about five batches and thought they were okay, then went to Laduree in Paris to try their macaroons… 8-O …made mine look like a kid made themthanks for your tips! i’ll be trying and trying til i get this right!
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