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Fatty Dairy Subs
Whip Cream and Mousse just wont get to stiff peaks, should I add some cream of tartar, coconut milk or search harder in the "dairy" isle?
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Responses (3)
Accepted Answer
RhadegundOffline -
Accepted Answer
DvorahOffline -
Accepted Answer
MattieOfflineGreat question eymallist! Unfortunately, whipping vegan ingredients to soft peaks is extremely difficult because few non-animal products are able to hold and bind in that way.
One way to do it is to use a fat that's solid at room temperature like vegetable shortening. Another way is to use soy protein isolate as described in my vegan meringue recipe here. One day I'll figure out an easier way to do this and write about it.
If anyone has an any other tips, please chime in!
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