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i was make chocolate raspberry cake. i wanted to know. what is silken tofu? is powder or is it tofu in block.
Sunday, December 11 2011, 06:59 PM
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Accepted Answer

Sunday, December 11 2011, 08:37 PM - #Permalink
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Hi apeechy3,

Silken tofu is the least firm type of tofu you can get in block form. This really smooth tofu can be useful for vegan baking applications because it acts similar to a custard when it's pureed in a blender or food processor. Silken tofu often has a bit of starch such as corn starch added to improve smoothness and to help it stay in its block form during shipping. If you can't find silken tofu at the local health food store you can always find it in asian markets. Mori-Nu is one of the main brands that sells this style.
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