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Vegan Creme Fraiche
I just made my first batch of coconut whipped "cream" and it came out great! It got me thinking about using it as an icing. Has anyone tried to create a crème fraiche style icing with vegan sour cream and coconut milk? I'm wondering if its worth the experiment or not. Thank you!
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Responses (4)
Accepted Answer
MattieOfflineThis is a great idea kates129! I really don't see how it wouldn't work. What kind of vegan sour cream were you planning on using?
I've been looking into the possibility of making "real" crème fraiche by fermentation as part of a proof of concept but I should just forget about it and do this! If you get a chance to give it a whirl, let me know how it works out! -
Accepted Answer
kates129OfflineThanks Mattie! I've used Tofutti sour cream the most, so I might try that first. It is thicker than traditional sour cream, so I would probably add some almond milk to thin it out first. There is also a recipe for sour cream in The Happy Herbivore Cookbook (leaving out the savory spices) that looks good. I think I will give one of them a try this week. I will definitely keep you updated!
The fermentation sounds really interesting too. Is it a difficult process? -
Accepted Answer
TestarosaOffline -
Accepted Answer
Oh Ladycakes has a great tutorial on her blog. You can find it here:
Refrigerating the coconut milk is key. Also, different brands yield different results. If you have concerns about BPA, you may want to look into organic brands. I use Thai Kitchen because I haven't found a full fat organic brand in my area.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have other questions.
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