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I am trying to make Lollipops in molds.
Monday, October 21 2013, 11:49 AM
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Accepted Answer

Tuesday, October 22 2013, 10:00 PM - #Permalink
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That's a tough question Lisavegan! If only all life decisions were so hard ;) If I were making lollipops that were 100% chocolate and I wanted to go with the absolute best I could get my hands on, I'd go for melting down whole chocolate bars like Mast Brothers first and Terra Nostra for a second, more affordable option. Chocolate brands are like religion. I'm sure I'll be shamed here but I'm not hip to many of the newer, small batch artisanal brands that are making phenomenal chocolate these days.

Green and Black's works too. It's relatively affordable (compared to Mast Brothers) and easily available but if you're going all the way, I personally find it to be a little too one note. Then again if you still want something good but super affordable, the Trader Joe's semi-sweet chocolate chips are vegan too!

And don't forget to temper your chocolate so you get that glossy outside and that fabulous snap when you bite into it.

Good luck and let me know what you end up going with!

Does anyone else have any chocolate recommendations? Let's hear 'em!
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Responses (2)
  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, October 23 2013, 11:04 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Thanks and good luck Lisavegan!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, October 23 2013, 09:20 AM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Thank you very much, I'll look in to them and see which seems to fit!
    Thanks again: So far you've been the only person to answer.
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