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I'm trying to increase my reach and I want to switch from my home oven and other equipment to some more professional. We bake cookies, muffins, cakes, and some other goods.

I would appreciate some guidelines on what to look for when purchasing this new equipment, either brands or some general markers would be of great help.


Wednesday, May 15 2013, 04:17 PM
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Accepted Answer

Thursday, May 16 2013, 03:39 PM - #Permalink
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Great question Samuel!

I've used everything from budget ovens in cheap rental apartments to industrial grade ovens in commercial kitchens and based on my experience, I haven't been able to get a strict preference for either. Some of the more high end ovens will have features like convection and steam injection.

I tried to use convection to my benefit and just never found a way to get it to improve my baked goods. I love hearth breads and would do almost anything for an oven with steam injection so I could see what's possible with those types of breads without resorting to using inverted dutch oven tricks. I love Wolf ovens and ranges but I don't miss it when I'm using my budget oven. I would buy a BMW if I could afford it but my Honda Civic still gets me to the grocery store.

It's my impression that the high end ovens are a bigger benefit for commercial food preparation where you need to prepare large batches of food. My cookies taste just as good coming from the oven in my apartment as they do in a $2000 Wolf range. But the Wolf representative will probably beg to differ :D But I'm by no means an expert on ovens and ranges.

I'm sorry I can't provide more info on the higher end stuff. If you find out what works best for you, please come back and share!
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Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, May 27 2013, 05:27 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Thanks Mattie! I think you're right, in my opinion this seems to vary case by case. I've heard of bakers who use nothing but home ovens and the ones who do the exact opposite. So I think it's more a question of what suits you.

    I'll keep researching and share my findings.


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